Typical 3-Day Consulting Visit Timeline

LJCS Timeline of Services contained in Basic 3 day on-site visit package

This listing is an overall, general menu of services to be provided when doing on-site visit. Other services are available upon request. Not all services listed are pertinent to the needs of each client. Timing and determination of the exact services to be provided will be made in consultation with the client.

Approximately 1 week prior to the visit-
-LJCS provides a survey to the client to be completed by the sales staff giving them a chance to voice their ideas, wishes and opinions. The results from this survey help us determine how best to achieve full staff support for the finished product.

  • Client sends store images for advance study
  • Client provides copy of the EDGE “Inventory Performance report by category” (IPBC) for the preceding 12 months for review by LJCS.

Day of arrival on-site-
-LJCS receives survey responses and reviews responses with client
-LJCS does a initial review of the store’s current visual presentation, noting any issues or special considerations
-LJCS visits all appropriate competitive stores listed by staff evaluating their presentation, selection, store design etc. The purpose of this effort is to evaluate the “buying experience’ the customer receives when visiting those stores and compare it to the experience received at the clients store.
-LJCS has first on-site meeting with client to discuss store goals, marketing direction, challenges, obstacles, opportunities, results of competitive analysis, display budgets, sales goals per showcase, Showcase space allocation, display preferences, preferred timeframe and expectations.
-LJCS and client review outside factors such as lighting, vault space, showcase condition
-LJCS and client review all findings and the IPBC report and agree on a plan of action to pursue based on the information gathered in meeting.

Day 2 in store- (full day in store)
-LJCS conducts a 20 min pre-opening meeting with store staff to review their survey comments and explain the new direction and display strategy.
-An individual from the store is identified to work with LJCS and be involved in the overall effort so there is a “point-person” for the makeover.
-LJCS begins implementing the plan of action by reconfiguring the stores displays in a manner to fit the new strategy.
-Mid-day- Client meeting to review progress and approve.
-Common strategies implemented at most clients includes Reorganization of Bridal into style groupings, Implementation of the 20-40-40 display principles store-wide, Creation and implementation of a “Top 10 gift idea” strategy, Implementation of a “key-item” strategy, Reorganization of showcase displays to emphasize pieces we want most to sell, Evaluation of role of Vendor displays in store.
If current displays are to continue to be used-
A listing of any individual new displays that are not present is created, sourced and ordered.

If new displays are needed for all or part of the store


-LJCS does a complete “take-off” of display items, (case by case) to be ordered
-LJCS reviews available display firms and options with appropriate store employees to determine best displays to use.

  • A decision is made for color and fabric of displays
    -Potential order is compiled and provided to possible suppliers for quote.
    -LJCS creates an implementation plan for point person to use when installing new displays.
    -LJCS and client have an end-of-day meeting to review and approve progress.

Day 3- (one-half to full day in store)
-LJCS conducts a 20 min staff meeting to review changes and explain rationale for decisions made. Questions are answered and employees are encouraged to follow good display practices for improved sales.
-LJCS reviews how store was re-displayed this day to insure staff members have reset the store in accordance with new direction.
-LJCS, client and point person create a follow-up list to be used to complete project after on-sight is completed. A timetable is included in this list.

  • LJCS and client finish up any outstanding issues
  • LJCS departs the store at approximately mid- late day.

Client is welcomed to contact LJCS by telephone or email at anytime after the on-sight visit with questions, issues or any other matters.

Approximately 2 weeks after visit
-LJCS follows up with client by telephone to review initial results, issues.

Approximately 6 weeks after visit
-LJCS follows up with client by telephone to review results and progress and needed changes. We rerun the IPBC report to analyze changes.

Approximately 6 months after visit-
-LJCS follows up with client by telephone to review results and progress and needed changes. We rerun the IPBC report to analyze changes.

Optional services-

  • Review of additional clients stores (second or third locations) on same visit- Fee billed at $1500 per day in addition to base service package.
  • Supervision of the installation of displays- Fee negotiable based on schedule and requirements.

For more information, contact LJCS at 817-980-2135