New! 1-Day Store visit option $1750

New one-day consulting service now available!
LJCS is proud to introduce a new service. We now offer a streamlined 1-day in-store “Blitz” visit during which our trained consultant will put in place the major display changes needed to give your store a makeover. During the 9 hours our consultant is in your store, your store will benefit from the years of experience we offer.
Lou Masini recently completed extensive training sessions with Larry Johnson in order to provide this new service to our clients.

Agenda for a 1-Day LJCS Consultant Visit
Note: This agenda is typical but each client specifies exactly what he/she wishes our consultant to accomplish in the 8-9 hours they are on-site.

  1. Discussion of goals for the Day
  2. Photo images of the store as is
  3. Competitive visit (if desired)
  4. “Before” seminar with staff
  5. Implementation of plan
  6. 20-40-40 Implementation
  7. Top 10 Gift Idea Implementation
  8. “What’s new?” Implementation
  9. Improvement of Program displays
  10. Payment signage Implementation
  11. Decluttering of store environment
  12. Improvement of window displays (if any)
  13. Miscellaneous touchups
  14. Determination of new displays needed
  15. “After” seminar with staff
  16. Photo images of store after effort
  17. End of day meeting with client
  18. Follow-up in 30 days for changes

For more information on exactly what is offered in this new service, call Larry Johnson at 817-980-2135 for information.